Ipswich Central parking spots transformed for PARK(ING) Day

Music, colour, plants and additional outdoor dining furniture will fill six Top of Town parking spaces for three days this month as part of the global event, Park(ing) Day.

From September 16 to 18, the parking bays on Brisbane Street between West Street and Ellenborough Street will become people friendly spaces that encourage passers-by to celebrate this unique part of Ipswich.

Ipswich Central Redevelopment Committee Chairperson Councillor Marnie Doyle said Park(ing) Day prompts people to see parking spaces from a different perspective.

“This is about inspiring creative placemaking and thinking outside the parking rectangle,” Cr Doyle said.

“We have engaged local groups Ipswich Plant Swap and the Ipswich Central Partnership to transform the bays along with local artists Fibre Sisters and Robin ‘Tallman’ Wakkajinda who will be completing live art for people to enjoy.”

Division 3 Councillor Andrew Fechner said the activation builds on momentum from council’s successful Building Better Blocks and Neighbourhoods event in August and supports reimagining these spaces for people.

“Park(ing) Day started in San Francisco in 2005 and is now celebrated in more than 160 cities worldwide – with Ipswich the only Australian city participating this year,” Cr Fechner said.

“For these three days, we are reclaiming some of the street by extending footpaths and prioritising people in a space normally dominated by cars.

“The atmosphere will also be boosted through live performances by Ipswich performer Wild Eyed Wonder, Dee Bradbery.

“These fun activities, art and performances will encourage people to linger longer in Ipswich Central and to stop, stay and spend in local businesses.”

Article source: www.ipswichfirst.com.au